Award 'Silver Quality Sign' at allrussian mark III millenium. 21 century quality sign at International exhibition-tasting. Moskow , april, 2004.
A bronze medal for the “USSR” vodka at the International specialized exhibition, «EAST-WEST DRINKS –2005», April 2005, Antalia, Turkey.
A gold medals for the “Belorusskaya de lux”, “Belwast” , “USSR de lux”, “Citadel”, “Eurogrosh”, “Pervatsch” vodkas and “De lux” rectified ethyl spirit at the degustation contest of wine, liquor and vodka products of the XII International specialized exhibition “Petersburg’s fair of wines and vodkas – 2005”, St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 1-4, 2005.
Silver medals for “Corn” and “USSR lux” vodkas at the International drink forum “Drink Expo”, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 18-20, 2007.
Gold medals for vodkas "Birch", "USSR Lux" and bitter nastoyka "Brest Zubrovka" at 12-th International competition "Best Product WorldFood - 2010”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2-5 November 2010"
Silver Medal - "Belarus Sineokaya" vodka "Autumn Wine Fair-97", S.-Petersburg, Russia.
Bronze Medal. "Belarus Sineokaya" vodka "Bistro-99", Minsk, Belarus.
Gold Medal. International exhibition-tasting "Krym-2000", Yalta, Ukraine.
Bronze medal. (IV Russian Vodka and Spirits Products Competition "XXI Century Quality", Moscow, Russia).
Silver medal for excellent quality of vodka. On September 5-8 2002 the Ninth International specialized exhibition - fair "WINE-VODKA - 2002".
Bronze medals for “Belarus Sineokaya” vodka, “Brestskaya zoubrovka” bitter nastoyka (The International competition – tasting within the framework of the 11th International exhibition-fair “Wine-vodka-tabacco-2004” 8-11.09.2004, Sochi, Russia).
Prize-winner of the 2004 “Best goods of the Republic of Belarus” competition in the nomination “Foodstuffs” for “Birch” and “Belarus Sineokaya” vodkas and the balm “Berestye”.
A silver medal for “Belarus Sineokaya” vodka at the International competition “Best product – 2007” of the 14th “Prodexpo-2007” International exhibition, February 12-16, 2007, Moscow, Russia.
Gold medals for “Belarus Syneokaya” and “Syneokaya” vodkas at the International drink forum “Drink Expo”, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 18-20, 2007.
Diploma of II degree for “Belarus Sineokaya” vodka at the XI Republican competition of consumer preferences “Product of year – 2008”, Minsk, January 21, 2009.
Gold medals for “Belarus Sineokaya” and “Byelorussia” vodkas at the “Best product – 2009” of the 16th “Prodexpo-2009” International exhibition, Moscow, Russia, February 9-13, 2009
Gold medal for vodka "Bear Ravine" and silver medal for vodka "Wild Duck" in International degustation competition “Odessa Bay”, February 2013 / Odessa, Ukraine
Diploma of participant of exhibition "ExpoVin Moldova’2013", Moldova, 2013 Silver medal for vodka "Wild Duck" in XXII International degustation competition, Moldova, 2013